2021’s World Food Day marks the importance of agricultural production for realizing the true meaning of World Food Day. World Food Day is celebrated over the globe to drive the attention of authorities towards the sheer food scarcity prevailing in the world. Each responsible country contributes to this one-day campaignContinue Reading

We are honored to host the “World Food Day Celebrations” on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at the COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad. This day is celebrated each year to promote awareness and identify solutions contributing to “ZERO HUNGER”. The 2021 World Food Day’s theme is “Our actions are our future better production,Continue Reading

  This year Pakistan earns 15.2 billion dollars in foreign exchange from the cotton crop Pakistan is the 2nd largest supplier of the sustainable cotton crop. This year’s average yield in Punjab was 20.2 mounds per acre. Integrated pest management (IPM) strategy program is launched to control pests’ attacks onContinue Reading

Dominantly rice is cultivated in 11 districts of Punjab Rice should be grown according to the moon soon ranis pattern Puddling of rice field is the best way to conserve water Rice crops should be cultivated on proper rice belts Always select a properly packed, labeled, tagged, certified seed forContinue Reading

  Use of balance fertilizer is must to protect crop from lodging Proper nutrition is necessary for optimum growth The use of balanced fertilizer must protect the crop from lodging. Proper nutrition is necessary for optimum growth. Plants require 17 necessary elements for their survival. Potash helps plants. To strengthenContinue Reading

SAWiE is an independent digital platform that provides remote Farm advisory based on scientific facts, proven good practices, and data-driven approaches using satellite technology.  The platform enables smallholder farmers in developing countries to address the climate change crisis. They have chosen Pakistan as a pilot region to help smallholder farmers.Continue Reading